Thursday, February 16, 2006

Stickie Bears..

Late yesterday afternoon I decided to draw a quick Polar bear sketch each time I had to render a file. to explore some different possibilities for my polar bear character. Some are only a few seconds sketch.. But I found I played with the shapes a bit more when I knew it'd only be a few second throw away sketch.. some of them are definitally throw aways.. I did most of these on stickies.. Hopefully I can keep doing this today as well... Keep exploring the character...


At 8:20 AM, Blogger milo said...

great work! keep it up!

At 4:58 PM, Blogger Kyle Marshall said...

that top left bear rocks, he has great personality in just that one sketch. I really don't know the direction you are wanting to take, but my vote is on him.

At 4:16 AM, Blogger Jason C said...

Thanks Guys.. I think I'm getting close to finding the character.. he's in there some where =)


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