Wednesday, January 25, 2006

My little budding artist...

Here's a drawing that my 10 month old daughter Chloe did in my sketchbook the other night.. She was very deliberate in her color choice.. it was great to watch.. She'd pick a color... make a few very delicate lines.. then beat it around the page.. then stop...... another delicate line.. change color.. and repeat..

The first drawing she ever did was drawn at my animation desk at home when she was around 5 or 6 months old.... It was on animation paper.. with red and blue cole-erase.. sniff.. makes a dad proud.. it hangs on my drawing board in front of my desk at home now.. Now... if i can just teach her to inbetween...;)


At 8:18 AM, Blogger Steve B said...

It looks like something you'd see at a modern art exhibit lol. Sell it off to some museum in NYC, an original Chloe Condon piece called "Chaos on the drawing board".

At 5:02 AM, Blogger Jason C said...

Ha!.. yeah for sure.. When I get her into finger paints I'll give that a try ;)


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