Back out to Tim Hortons on saturday.. Didn't draw very long at all.. It wasn't happening.. Everything I touched seemed to turn horribly wrong.. These sketches are pretty much all there was to show from that day.
Yeah, I like the lower right guy too. The big nose sort of reminds me of well... me! Tell that Kyle Marshall kid when he gets family plus a basment to renovate then he can leave early too.
nice variety of faces
love the lower right guy. And you lose half points for leaving early........hheheehhe, just kidin'.....its only something like a quarter of a point.
Yeah, I like the lower right guy too. The big nose sort of reminds me of well... me! Tell that Kyle Marshall kid when he gets family plus a basment to renovate then he can leave early too.
the old guy looks pretty cool
where do I know these guys from???
nice work my dude, stuff's lookin' good!
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