Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Haircut!

Hey, I got new haircut over the Holiday break.. Here's a little before and after comparison sketch I did.. Whaddaya think?? Is the new hair better? Or is the old long and flippy style the way to go??


At 12:25 PM, Blogger nathan said...

ha ha...
this is pretty awsome... Judging the illustration... I am liking the long and flippy... coming down over the eye... beautiful

At 4:52 PM, Blogger dcmackinlay said...

AW MAN! I missed the annual shearing again?!? Crap!

At least I get to experience it through the wonder of digi-doodles.

It's just not the same, though. Sigh.

At 6:04 PM, Blogger Remi said...

as long you still have your beard...

At 6:22 PM, Blogger Jeremy said...

I think going bald is the best choice or becoming an old man. Out of the two drawings both are good but I'd go for the long hair version. Hope you and your family had a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

P.S Don't worry your stuff(wink, wink, nudge, nudge) is soon to be on its way. Just finishing up now.

At 9:15 PM, Blogger Kyle Marshall said...

ah, yea i am leaning towards the more exotic hair you had before. You had that whole antonio banderas thing going on.

At 5:23 AM, Blogger Troy Little said...

You are a savagely hansome man no matter how you cut it.

At 8:34 AM, Blogger Jason C said...

Wow!.. Looks like long hair is winning by a landslide! Won't April be dissapionted. ;) oooooo.. secret stuff eh jeremy?? I likes the sound of that.. Maybe you'll get secret stuff too..

At 6:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

hehe.. these are great. check out my blog when you get the chance. I just updated

At 1:17 AM, Blogger Steve B said...

Maybe you should try Eminem's know, get a crew cut, bleach your hair blonde...

Works for Slim Shady rather well...


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