Monday, January 16, 2006

More pens bite the dust...

Well.. I fell on my way into work today.. we're having one of those fresh snow over ice days.. and before i knew it.. bam!! one foot one way one the other... and my sketchbook in a pile of snow... not too much snow damage.. a couple of pages.. But still an annoyance.. But anyway..

Here's a page from my sketchbook.. Still going through a Gorilla thing.. I love them.. they're soo great to draw.. They're probably the one constant in my sketchbooks.. there's always some gorilla's somewhere.. This page marked the end of 2 of my grey brush pens... I really need to go get more today.. hopefully I'll get some at lunch... These drawings aren't great.. and there are a couple of places where inadvertant smudges of ink made me shade in areas i didn't want to... but it's all a learning process.. and it's fun. I think this is the first time I've actually posted a page from my sketchbook... as opposed to a fake mocked up photoshop page....hmm maybe i should do that more often.. or not... i dunno....... see ya!!!...


At 8:11 PM, Blogger Kyle Marshall said...

Nice brush pens, once again, I especially like the top one, I have to learn how to do this with one of those brushes.

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Steve B said...

LOL...that happened to me one year that I was in TOSH because KISH shut down from some air quality problems. I was up at QEES, running to catch a bus, crossed over some snow covered ice, slipped and BAM!!!, fell down straight on my back. Not an overly dignified experience in front of dozens of students, to say the least.

Jason and a few asshole friends of his made some of those bus rides say the least...

At 5:17 AM, Blogger Jason C said...

Ahh yes... The old KISH at TOSH days.. Those were memorable.. Those were the days.. Yeah.. I remember playing asshole during those buss rides... and during lunch... and during math class... and when i'd eventually got kicked outta history class... I can only assume that's what you're talking about.. Or you could just be talking aout me being an asshole.. Which is highly probably =) I am a big prick.. just ask kyle..

Steve beairsto.. why doesn't that ring a bell? I mean.... it does.. But It doesn't jive with your profile picture..That's the confusing part.....

ohh.. and an interesting note.. It was me.. a guy named lester.. and i'm pretty sure jonathan Ramsey who were the first to walk out over the air thing.. and man.. did that get overblown really fast.. Once the local news arived everybody wanted to be "on camera".. nice..

Thanks for bringin back the memories.. It's a small world..

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Steve B said...

LOL....Sorry, shouldn't have used such strong language. That was just HS crap and doesn't really reflect on you now. I suppose that is a crappy picture, but I only have a stupid el cheapo Chinese webcam I bought for like $20.

It was really good that you guys stood up for that stuff though. Many a student was having health problems because of all that mold and shit in the air vents. People had been complaining for years and nothing was being being done about it.

Truthfully, I think that big protest was just an excuse to skip class, but still people wanted something done about it.

The last thing I ever heard about KISH was that there was some huge drug raid involving the local cops, RCMP and so on...back in 1998 I family was telling me that Mrs. Francis had alerted the students that a raid was coming, so if they had anything to get rid of, they'd better do it NOW...couldn't this be construed as obstruction of jutice...

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Jason C said...

HA!.. Yeah .. good old KISH.. there's a place I can't forget fast enough.. I still remember everytime i got sucker punched in the gut.. or had drumsticks broken over my head from one of the many bullys that used to get their kicks with me.. ahh.. childhood.. I guess that's what i get for being friends with all the freaks and geeks..

yeah.. that walkout quickly spiraled into people just wanting to skip class... but oh well.. it got the job done i guess...

Yeah.. that's drug thing sounds like KISH.. Nice... ugggh.... Time to forget..

At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Walter P said...

Thankks for writing this


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