Thursday, January 26, 2006

Chloe and the cats.... Or... Crappy brush pen..

Man.. I finally found a brush pen at one of the art stores here.... and it's CRAP!!! It's very unpredictable and really flimsy.. It made it really hard to draw with.. and it definitally didn't react like a brush would... anyway....

My daughter chloe has a strange relationship with our cats.. she loves them.. and constantly has to pet them if they're around.. she calls them "cat".. and " diddle diddle diddle"... But.. The male cat smeagol.. she gets a big kick outta him.. she'll chase him around the house and just point and laugh at him.. He usually gets freaked by this and runs.. which makes her follow and point and laugh again.. and the cycle continues.. So i just had to try and draw it... I'm working on characaters designs of my 2 cats and my daughter. they don't look anything like this though... I need to capture Her interaction with the cats in animation... Some of it is pure gold...


At 4:44 PM, Blogger the doodlers said...

ahh yes. Sometimes a crappy brush pen is all part of the style... Very sweet, funny sketch and story!

At 4:15 AM, Blogger Jason C said...

Yeah true.. You kinda have to deal with the pens faults and try to turn them into positives.. Which I'm not too good at =).. Thanks for the comment.. I really like the drawings from life on your guy's blog.. There were some cat sketches awhile ago that blew me away..


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