Thursday, May 04, 2006

John Singer Sargent.....

Hey.. I have nothing new to post myself.. So I thought I'd post some drawings from one of my biggest artistic influences.. John Singer Sargent. Ever since I first saw his paintings and drawings I was amazed at all the usual things that amazes me with great artists.. What structure.. What Knowledge of form... Such Confident draftsmanship.. But what really got me about Sargent.. probably more so than most other artists.. was the energy in his work.. You can see the kinetic brush strokes in his paintings.. And they add soo much life.. And his charcoal sketches had so much flow and life.. He didn't mess around.. You won't see alot of scribbley hatchey lines tryng to find the form.. Mostly just big bold confident strokes. To me... He drew like an animator would... His work continues to amaze me.. And I just wanted to share it with the few people who drop by this blog. All these images were found online a few years ago.. If you google his name.. you can find some interesting pieces. Enjoy!.


At 11:54 AM, Blogger Steve B said...

These drawings kind of remind me of the pencil sketches that Leo (AKA Jack Dawson) did in Titanic.

At 7:47 PM, Blogger Remi said...

hey nice :) funny thing heh, i look up his drawings too few days ago. i haven't in years...always sweet to the eyes. heres a link to a huge collection of his..

At 10:34 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Nice figure drawings!

At 11:48 AM, Blogger Jason C said...

Yes.. they are nice... And jsut so everyones clear.. they're not mine.. Just and artist I admire.. Wish i could draw half as well as that..

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Steve B said...

Hey Jason, consider yourself lucky that you can draw as well as you do! lol Some of us can't draw past the stickman level, so have to look to amateur photography as an alternative art expression...


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