Friday, April 21, 2006

Hermione , Ron & Hagrid.....

Here are a couple more Potter sketches I did last night.. Kinda missed the mark on them.. But thought I'd post them anyway.. I took 2 stabs at Ron.. i know he's described as thin in the books.. But I always picture him with a rounder face.. more like his Mum for somereason..... And Hagrid... whew.. I missed that.. He needs much more beard and hair. I don't know why.. But I've been drawing these really small with a tiny leaded techincal pencil... My scans are about 300% the real size... Man.. I messed the eys up on every one of these.. well... At least I'm consistant =).. I'll try to revamp the on the weekend and see what happens...


At 6:35 PM, Blogger CarolineJarvis said...

Nice! Hagrid is totally my fav! Great stuff as usual!

At 8:20 AM, Blogger Steve B said...

You did an EXCELLENT job on all counts, VERY well done.

At 8:28 AM, Blogger Steve B said...

You know, these are far, far better drawings than the ones that aooear in the actual books themselves...

Methinks a certain somebody should become the series new illustrator...

At 5:32 PM, Blogger Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

Kool work !!

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Jeremy said...

Yeah Jason, I really like Hermione. It's very cool because it's not like Emma Watson.. kind of more true to the orginal character. Good stuff and you have my vote as the series illustrator :P

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Jason C said...

Thanks for the comments.. I've been really enjoying the books.. can't put 'em down!!


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