Thursday, April 20, 2006

Harry Potter...

So ... I told myself I was Not going to read the Harry Potter books until after seeing the movies as to keep the plot surprises secret.. I decided this after seeing Return of the King with my wife and her telling me that she had no clue what was going to happen once they stepped into Mt. Doom.. I wanted that same feeling with the Potter movies.. So I figured that I'm far enough ahead movie wise now so i get a set of the Harry Potter books a couple of weeks ago.... I don't think I can hold myself to my promise... I really really love these books.. I'm already into the fourth book and dying to see where Rowling takes the story in Books 5 & 6.. So... so much for seeing those movies before reading the books.. oh well..
My favorite so far is Book 3.. Same with the movies.. Something about the Azkaban story just gripped me. And Remus Lupin and Sirius Black are my favorite characters so far... I've never really been one to draw fan art from books I've read.. Don't know why.. It'd make perfect sense if I did given my career and all.. But it never really happened.. except for Lord of the Rings... But even that was just some head sketches of Aragorn , Boromir, and Theodan.. But there are a couple of sc's in Prizoner of Azkaban that are screaming for me to draw.. So I took a couple of minutes last night and sketched out some head shots of some of the characters.. Pretty close to what I saw in my head.. Except for Snape.. He's still not there yet.. And my first drawings of Black just looked like me only scruffier.. hehe..The hard part for me will be the costumes.. As they tell soo much about the characters.. Drawing fabric isn't exactally my strong point.. Hopefully I'll actually take time to draw out a couple of the scene images I seen in my head...


At 11:46 AM, Blogger Steve B said...

No Professor Dumbledorf? No Ron Weasley? No Hermione Grainger? No Hagrid? No Draco Malfoy? Waaahhhhhh!!! ;)

Those are awesome, AWESOME drawings you did, you got the essence of the characters perfectly.

Maybe you could draw up your own original Harry Potter adventure for Chloe when she gets a bit older. Sh'ed love that!

At 8:50 AM, Blogger Jeremy said...

Nice work Jason! You should show them to Christine :P Yeah it's a fun series and I like it how Jo is never condescending to the reader and she's always leaves me(at least) wondering what's going to happen next.

Steve is right, you should copy them and paste them into popsicle sticks. That would make for a fun read :P


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