Tuesday, March 13, 2007

More Chloe....

So.. last Thursday was a Chloe and daddy day. They happen every now and then when our day care baby sitter has to take a day off for various reasons. When she woke up I asked her what she wanted to do this morning. She said, "Make a Chloe movie!" OK.. So I asked her what she wanted the movie to be about.. "Hmmmm... Cookies!" We had just gotten cookies the night before. The first time we've had actual cookies in the house in a while.. I should have expected the answer. OK.. Cookies.... We can do that...We spent the next 30 - 45 min shooting as fast as we could. It's a strange challenge to come with something to shoot on the fly and keep your 2 year old daughter entertained. Especially when there's a bunch of cookies in front of her for most of the time :).. We then relaxed and ate a cookie. I found and hour or two to edit it all together while her and mommy had a little sleep in saturday morning. Then mommy found some piano music that seemed to fit and that was that.. She really likes shooting these little home movies. And It's a blast doing things together with her like this. I have a feeling this won't be the last.


At 9:30 PM, Blogger 1 said...

Wonderful blog! Spent a while reading it. Your people are amazing; in fact I'm having a lot of trouble with people think you could help me out with a little advice?


At 5:34 AM, Blogger Troy Little said...

"...And the Oscar for Cinamatogrophy goes to!"

Fun movie guys!

At 11:51 AM, Blogger Remi said...

haha. thats great wow...its like you had 3 cameras in there..and she was never looking at you. how did you do that :) thats great

At 3:55 PM, Blogger Diana Jiron Graff said...

YOu are becoming quiet the director! and Chloe quiet the movie star, hehehe very cute video! so well done ;) keep it up! I like seeing them.

At 6:09 AM, Blogger Jason C said...

Hehe. thanks guys.. These make for very fun Daddy and daughter time. And I see them continuing until she stopd enjoying it... haha.. sebastien.. the key is to shoot fast.. and try not to do more than 1 take of the same angle.. or she'll start to get bored.. But she seems to be ok if I just keep moving fast and not asking her to do the same things over and over. :) You end up having to try and "fix" alot in editing.. but at least she enjoys herself while she's doing it. That's the important part ;).

At 8:04 PM, Blogger Jeremy said...

Wow, Jason, you rule! That was awesome! Next film, 'do Daddy's animation for the week' :P Chloe is growing up so fast.. too..

At 12:43 PM, Blogger Jason C said...

Hahha.. Thanks Jeremy.. I already have her in training for that.. hopefully she'll be able to take a full workload in a month or 2 ;)

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Kyle Marshall said...

hahha, what a team. You should post more of these, Chloe has got a big future ahead of her!

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Steve B said...

A real cookie monster...


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